
A temporary replacement teacher came in today, she is so fucking dumb omfg, I am literally shakeing, this pic will tell you everything.

  • 24
    Well, looks fine to me, if a bit basic.
  • 19
    I don't get what's wrong? What is the class? What exactly is she trying to teach? Is the chalkboard the only tool available to show things?
  • 10
    @TheyCallMeMJ She has no idea what the fuck is going on, she won't listen to us, we were given specific task to talk and plan with our groups, she ignores us and teaches the curriculum from 2 years ago
  • 1
    I can't read third tag.
  • 6
    @Pogromist it's <title>
  • 19
    That picture tells me nothing. It's HTML.
  • 7
    I wouldn't have known that's a she unless you specified it.
  • 11
    Needs more <!DOCTYPE html>.
  • 3
    well, I had to take exams that way 😂
  • 0
    @TheyCallMeMJ we have white boards at our college. We are so advanced.
    *don't worry about pronouns.
  • 9
    Did you just assume that androgynous figure’s gender??
  • 0
    Looks like your school can’t afford to rub two nickels together.
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