
Found myself a gf who also does the code stuff. We are each other's debug buddies.

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    I am happy that my gf knows where to turn on the magical machine that sends stuff to her display.
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    @SukMikeHok so, please tell me what I did to offend you.
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    Wake up! Enough dreaming.
  • 2
    Congrats on the coder g/f. I'm a tad bit jealous to be honest.

    I tried to get my wife in to coding a few months ago, he now thinks I'm more alien than ever.

    On the bright side her company has a proper IT support dept that locked her computer down so she can't break anything. If she does manage to screw something up its locked down hard enough that I can't do anything to fix it. At least I don't have to provide tech support to her.
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    @XiovV wk143 mi je the ultimate trigger, svaki drugi post ima ove trigger keywords, nmg vise
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