

while :; do
ps -ef | grep -iq [s]ymantec && for i in `ps -ef | grep -i [s]ymantec | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do sudo kill -9 $i; done
sleep 1

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    Because it brings even the most capable of computers to its knees.

    I made a mistake last night, closing the lid of my laptop when I left the office, instead of leaving it powered on but locked, so the scan could take place at its scheduled time of 8pm. So I will kill it until next monday.
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    while :; do ps -ef | awk '/[s]ymantec/ {print $2}' | while read pid ; do kill -9 ${pid} ; done; sleep 1; done
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    I was going to comment on the lack of sleep in your previous edit, but I thought it would be nitpicky.
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    @bahua I love seing occasional bash script in the rants :)
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    @bahua wait... Symantec on linux? Which product?
  • 0
    Are you looking for
    killall -9r symantec
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    Install Lin-oh wait...
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    It's a work machine. A mac. No such nonsense runs on my linux machines at home.
  • 0
    I understand this yet... I do not
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