
Be like Diego...

  • 4
    @Alice wow... that was a bit harsh when it was meant for just a joke...
  • 4
    @Alice what part of getting laid... You do not understand...
  • 6
    @Alice I am not going to extend this conversation since its going no where, when someone questions about a damn tortoise's mindset before it has sex, it really tests my sanity...

    I am sure you know for a fact that Diego, in his 80+ booty call had a lot of non concentual sex. May be the three lady tortoises came to you and gave you proof. But believe me the Facebook page that I copied and pasted this meme from had no female tortoise complaints.
  • 3
    @Alice may be I do not get the fact that a species is not endangered anymore. I don't know. Sorry I should not have commented but I had fun this morning, having this conversation..
  • 2
    @Alice how is it rape for a species that still has to follow instinct just to survive? 🤔
  • 0
    @Alice i understand your point
  • 3
    Are the 800 offspring turtles now supposed to mate with their siblings or their parents? If not, there's only one other turtle left. And the offspring from those are all related to all three original turtles, meaning that at least in the second generation down there can only be incest. It's not so sure yet whether the species is saved.
  • 2
    I'm more of a pinguin
  • 0
    This comment section is just pathetic. Most comment sections on DevRant’s “meme” section are with these types of people.
    “So you’re saying, rape?”
    Get off your fucking high-horse.
  • 1
    I'm just gonna wander in here looking at it from a slightly different angle...

    Humans having 800 offspring? No thanks. The planet is crowded enough as it is! So at least if you are going to be as "active" as this creature, do so responsibly please :p
  • 2
    @nightowl Within three generations, that would be 512 million people. One more and it's suddenly ove 50 times the world's population. Also, you would have to be pregnant non-stop from 15 to 65 and get twelvelings every single time. Or, since I assume it's one male and two female turtles, sixlings every time for 40 years.
  • 0
    @Fabian All aspects of it would be catastrophic. Aside from the numbers, quality of life all round would be awful.
  • 1
    This got escalated quickly!
  • 0
    Single dickedly! Haha
  • 0
    @Fabian Adam and Eve had 3 sons. So,.....
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