Failed my driving exam for having turned right instead of left.... FYI this examiner always fails 90% of students for minor mistakes like this... wasted money and time but oh well, new chance next month!

  • 6
    Feels bad man. As far as I know in my country you cannot fail the exam if you didn't follow the instruction. If you turn right instead of left, but you do it correctly, sygnaling, and don't make any danger, then maybe they want you to go back and repeat it, but not fail.
  • 1
    Good luck next time ;)
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    @unDone Ty :) I'll surely do better with a different examiner
  • 4
    My dad did the same thing on his test...twice. Instructor told him to take a left, he took a right...then after a minute he said "you wanted me to take a left didn't you?". Then the same thing happened after.

    I'm actually taking my test today in about..5 hours. Let's hope I have better luck
  • 3
    That's kind of shitty of him. When I did my driving test I was told to turn right on the next road but totally missed it (and missed the next as well) and did a 1000-point turn and somehow still managed to pass 😂 your instructor seems like a dick.
  • 0
    Ummmmm. Not to be that guy, but on the road, isn’t taking a turn in the wrong direction kind of a big deal? I certainly wouldn’t count it as minor.

    Imagine if the satnav told you to take a left turn and you went right 😂
  • 4
    @Brolls The thing is, if you make a wrong turn while driving, you can fix it. I'd expect a teenager taking their road test to be nervous about it, and to make a couple mistakes.

    Plus you don't have to be a perfect fucking driver to pass the road test, and anyone who would expect a teenager taking their test to be a perfect driver is fucking delusional. You don't have to get 100% to pass a class in school, you shouldn't have to be a perfect driver at ~16-18 to be allowed to drive on your own.

    @TheItalianGuy Your instructor was a fucking dick.
  • 4
    @Brolls if its legal to enter that street then it shoud not be a fail on a drivers exam.

    If my navigation system said to go right and I would go straight because that is a quicker road then why should I not be allowed to do so?
  • 3
    I did the same but they didnt mind because I stayed calm. If you panic after a wrong turn it is indeed a reason to fail you, but otherwise absolutely not. Fuck that guy.
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    @Codex404 fair point, but that’s out of test conditions.

    Not saying anyone has to be perfect, and it’s quite funny that that’s been inferred, but under test conditions with clear instruction, I’d expect a candidate to follow them. 🤷‍♂️
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    @Brolls People tend to get nervous for their exams.
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    @infernalempress or just mishear or drive on automatic pilot.
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    @Brolls Fair point, but let me explain the exact scenario: i was already at the height of the road the examiner expected me to take when i was cruising. She expected me to do a full stop while going at 30 miles per hour with cars behind me and heavy traffic on the opposite lane. Safe to say I got slightly bamboozled and turned at the next street which was on the right however. Brain farts happen and so do asshole examiners.
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    @infernalempress She was indeed. She has a fame for failing nearly all her examinees everytime...
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    @TheItalianGuy I would have argued that it's too late to turn because slamming the brakes for no good reason risks an accident. But since you actually DID turn, just the other direction, that line of argument doesn't wash.
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    @Fast-Nop it was the next street, so I assume the one after he was supposed to go to. More time to slow down, look and signal (not in that order)
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    @infernalempress yeah, but it’s still an exam, nervousness can’t factor into the result beyond it simply happening. 🤷‍♂️
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    @unDone In which country are you living?
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    In bocca al lupo per la prossima volta, mi ricordo il mio 5 anni fa, é dura ma ce la si fa con qualsiasi esaminatore 😄
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    Probably failed you just to get more money out of you, so you have to pay for another exam.
    Go to another school
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    @Fast-Nop I decided to take the space that was needed to turn and did so, no clue why I turned right tbh
  • 2
    @-red I passed, only thing I didn't do too well on was parallel parking. Had to pay insurance and now I'm driving
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