Everyone always complains about Internet Explorer... but looking at


Safari looks pretty shit as well

  • 8
    Oh god yes.

    Safari is probably worse imo, from a user viewpoint not a developer one.
  • 7
    They don’t even want to follow w3 standard syntax
  • 3
    IE is no longer considered a browser by MS. They now consider it a "backwards compatability solution" for legacy systems, and they no longer provide updates or support for IE. The company I work for is pushing the last application that requires Java for the browser out the door, and replacing it with a new VPN that doesn't rely on Java. Edge, Chrome, and Firefox are now our choice for browsers.
  • 9
    @FrodoSwaggins What's surprising is the amount of money pumped into Apple compared to the quality of their most widely used software.
  • 1
    People care about Safari?
    In all my years I’ve only ever had 2 issues I can remember with Safari without actually doing any testing with it (end customers complained 🤷‍♂️)
    Plus I think you’ll find the market share for Safari is a lot less the IE, which is why IE gets a lot of heat. It’s just as bad for most things but has always had a larger user share.

    As for Safari issues, 1 was a Js Animation being sloppy, the other was when retina displays hit the market and my viewports didn’t know how to react and shit went everywhere 😂
  • 1
    Remember the good old days when everybody was like all hail safari, that's why they started publishing safari for windows aswell:))
  • 2
    🤷‍♂️ this honestly doesn’t surprise me much, and it makes total sense when you think about it.

    So long as it supports the basics of things and can render a website, the fancier, newer features / slightly out there features are going to take a back seat... why?


    Remember early iOS days? Apple invested heavily in safari, releasing iOS style components for the web, looking into webapp tech... and then native apps happened.

    I have to say, I’m not mad. I (personally) don’t see the web in its current incarnation being a thing for too long, as we migrate to service APIs, smart systems for working across service boundaries and apps / digital assistants taking over.

    I think it’s the route Apple have been exploring a while too.


    The cynic in me says Google only pursues web tech like mad because it gives them additional avenues for snooping, ad delivery and industry saturation.
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