Don't. Especially while you're not a senior specialist. It doesn't really matter bad company or good: they all have something bad, they all have something good. From the bad examples you will learn WHAT, HOW and *WHY* should not be done. From the good examples you will learn what and why works and how efficiently.

Next month I'm gonna be working on a project that is SO bad I will flood DR with rants. But I'm looking forward to it, because I know I will learn what else should not be done.

Better learn from their mistakes than your own

  • 4
    I really hate those companies where the owner is in his 50ties and has no visions anymore. And is complacency with the fact that his company is a 90s timecapsule.
  • 1
    Nonsense. Some companies put a psychological strain on you so badly that it affects your health, that's the difference between "no company's perfect" and a full scale shitshow. There are HUGE differences there.

    Besides, learning to do things hastily or badly, adopting bad practices and so on is rather a bad thing and harder to get out of your system later down the line.
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