Sometimes I just want to punch people like this in the face. Then I'll feel better.

  • 10
    Let that guy become 30 years older, then he'll have seen enough of shiny new shit that doesn't really deliver more, and he won't be as excited because he'd seen it before. He'll start to critically question the net benefit of something new, and the clueless youngsters will call him "close-minded", just like he did 30 years earlier.
  • 2
    I thought it was common sense that you need to keep your skills relevant, but it's hard to tell what he means by "new"...
  • 3
    Those old systems will be there til the end of time and someone will need to maintain them.
  • 3
    @Sabro that will be a sure employment - given how many young people think "close to the metal" means "JavaScript without jQuery". ^^
  • 1
    I recently implemented a piece of JavaScript that gave output in 32 seconds in C++, where it now only takes 9 seconds.

    Is JavaScript really the future, @mackignacio?
  • 1
    I'm not even saying that because I dislike JavaScript. I like it - as a language running in a browser. I'm fine with Vue and React (Angular is kinda meh but that boils down to personal preference)
  • 1
    @mackignacio I entirely don't get your point. Elaborate?
  • 0
    Yeah tell that to COBOL devs or even C++ developers working on legacy code. Their salary is way bigger than this idiot's dick (assuming he has one).
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