
why the fuck does it take 5-7 minutes for fucking filezilla to make a successful connection after I turn on my pc ''Initializing TLS..."? WTF, this makes me angry and paranoid at the same time because it doesn't happen on other PC's I use.

  • 2
    thats not normal. it takes my filezilla probably a second to do that.
  • 2
    FileZilla has always been hot or miss to wether it works or not, Use winSCP instead.
  • 0
    @jespersh hmm.. I have google as my primary dns, and cloudflare 1's dns as secondary, let's switch this up
  • 0
    @C0D4 I have over 40 sites saved in my sitemanager and used filezilla exclusively as my ftp client. Will try fixing it, but if nothing goes than whatever, I'll try winSCP.
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