Today I learned you shouldn’t keep your laptop plugged in all the time.

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    That depends on a laptop... For example, most modern laptops - stop charging the battery when it's 95-100% or some even at 70% if you are using a power cable as it uses direct power instead. Personally I've fried a 2006 model like that but never had any issues with models past 2014 :)
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    Meh, I don’t have a laptop for portability. I have it due to lack of room for a desktop.

    As for my work one, that is their problem come battery replacement time 😆
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    @potata Mine’s a 2017! XD
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    @AmyShackles Then the manufacturer failed to add prevention measures... Happens.

    Just out of curiosity - which brand is it?
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    @potata won't the battery still wear out faster if it's kept charged to 100% like that?
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    Allow me to ask the most BASIC of the questions.

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    I take the battery out of mines when it's fully charged and just keep it plugged in like a computer, that why I'm not over charging.
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    @NeedsMoreDivs yes, and no, this really depends. I've had a lenovo laptop 2014 and it charged to 70perc automatically, then next 30 you had to click a button - I'll use it on the go. Without it clicked it would never chsrge unless it's lower than 25 or 6 months passed. Other times - it used directly from supply.

    Now I own macbook which does the same with a difference that it either charges to 100 and used power supply or if youbuse it mostly wired - it recharges itself only once in a while.

    Removing battery is an option.... If the laptop has such ability :)
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    @potata MacBook Pro.
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    @swappy “Diagnostics found the battery is failed.”
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    @virustark24 I have a 2018 almost fully specced Macbook Pro, and I am having the following issues:

    When not plugged to ground, the metallic parts (aka the whole thing) becomes dangerously static when charging.

    As you probably already know, there’s the sticking keys with the new “amazing” butterfly keys.

    No dedicated graphics card, which causes the machine to get really hot when using multiple it with external displays.

    All fairly basic issues, which should be expected solved in a $3000 machine.
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    @AmyShackles Odd, I'm using a 2015 model for 3 years now and no issues at all...
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    The real story is in the tags.
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    Same on the 2015. Never once had an issue with battery, granted I'm a student that easily cycles the whole MBP battery 1.5x a day.
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    @Fabian To clarify, I’m borrowing a laptop *because* my laptop’s battery died. XD But yeah, thanks for noticing! :)
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