
I was pair programming today with one of the seniors in VS. He thought it was weird that I had docked solution explorer to the left side instead of the default right. This makes me wonder, why is solution explorer docked to the right side by default when in almost every other editor (even VS Code), the "document overview" is always on the left?

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    @irene I'm guessing it has something to do with what direction you read in. A right aligned explorer makes more sense for those who read from right to left.
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    I won't think too much of that matter.
    They probably forgot to put the explorer at first and added it later just easily right after whatever currently existed 😂
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    nahh code panel on the right, solution explorer to the south and random youtube videos to the center is more comfortable
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    For some reason left side "Solution Explorer" distracts me in Visual Studio 😕
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