So finally I just got my first credit card!

Now on, I don't need to worry about carrying cash when traveling abroad, enjoy free lounge access, buy things in installments and what not.

It's almost impossible to get credit card here without a typical 9to5 job. The best thing is I didn't have to work for it at all. It just happened. So that's something.

  • 4
    I wonder how fast you will regret this... 😉 I got rid off all the credit cards I used to have. I left only debit cards. Spending banks' money is far to easy... 😕

    Anyway - happy for you 😀
  • 2
    congrats on getting a CC... i hope u dont end up like me regretting it... learned the hard way :(
  • 2
    Congrats, treat it as a debit card, pay it off every month wherever possible, and you should be fine.
  • 1
    Like the others have said, be careful. It's really easy to spend a fuckton because you don't feel the impact quite as much as with a debit card (or cash, cash is the best for controlling spending urges because it's physical and very real).
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