
Deadly indentation...

  • 3
    well i mean, it's closer to human readable code... except it's not...

    some line breaks between method bodies and nested functions would help.

    so would burning, though...
  • 23
    I smell a Python enthusiast forced to code in Java
  • 14
    On one hand I am impressed and on the other I am mortified
  • 3
    Burn that shit before it spreads! --- or Autoformat :D
  • 3
    @gronostaj that was my initial thought too. Then they just limit their window so that's out of view
  • 1
    Introduce python that guy
  • 1
    *pulls hair* Ctrl-A, Alt-Shift-F
  • 3
    Actually since the first time I had seen this, I've been looking for an eclipse plugin that would allow for quick switching between reformatting code like this, and the regular formatter.

    So when browsing through code, it would hurt the eyes way less than all those boilerplate braces, however if you need to make changes - well, but then again in >98% of cases the boilerplate stuff could be correctly generated from the indentation, couldn't it?

    (And yes, I admit being Python enthusiast ;) )
  • 1
    @ninjasloth I suppose it would be pretty easy to do this in JS environment. Everything is piped through webpack, gulp etc. anyway, so one could just write JS with indentation instead of braces and let the pipeline handle it. Add mapfiles and debugging becomes a breeze. Heck, it's so simple that it would probably work out of the box for TypeScript too.
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