
So I have been temporarily assigned to new team .. moving from mainly backend.. to help the Web team ..

Me .: Aight guys .. what we working with ?
Team: MVC .net
Me: awesome ..
Team: but we have our own version of MVC .
Me : 🤔 your own MVC ?
Team: yeh we only buse controllers.. but no models at all ?
Me.: 😲 So where does the view gets its data from ?
Team : from Azure functions apps.
M: how ?
T: ( in very proud tone ) .. we use js to call all functions.
M: so why not just use HTML pages . Why MVC then !
T: coz MVC is modern architecture design.
M: but you not using it and all of calles to the functions are exposed publicly.
M: 🤪 My bad .. what the hell do I know ! I only been developing MVC applications for 7 years !!
Please tell me more about your " Modern Design "

  • 60
    I met someone who used iframe and called it the new SPA web apps
  • 10
    Oh no ... Oh god no !!
  • 7
    @devTea i would have wanted to see your reaction
  • 3
    Seems like a real bad situation op. Gkod luck
  • 3
    No words can describe what I just read :\
  • 21
    @AleCx04 some guy from the same place also shouted javascript is old and jquery is the modern one
  • 3
    @devTea this is brilliant 😂.
  • 11
    We had a developer that thought a 200 response was enough to verify authentication on login. Not surprised at all.
  • 2
    @devTea that is disgusting (the iframe thing).
  • 3
    @human06 so... MVC without MVC? They're not using models, and they're also not using controllers?
  • 9
    We had a MVC variation in my first job, in which the controller for some reason was some sort of composition of another MVC, adding a lot of useless layers.
    So the code always ended up being a huge pile of function calls whose only purposes were calling the next one with no additional logic. And we were actually forced to coding that way.
    We called it MVW:
    Whatever this sh*t is
  • 4
    @jjimenez MVW ... Whatever indeed 😂🤣
  • 8
    @irene yeah and to make it worse, it was java, so every layer was actually a separated class in a separated package, that for every entity in our code. And they actually ended up blaming the developers for the huge amount of almost empty files.
    The simplest folder structure of one view was like:
    - user
    - view
    - view
    - model
    - service
    - controller
    - controller
    - service
    - repository
    - model

    And all the logic was in view/view and controller/service, the rest were just a single line call to the next one...
  • 5
    @jjimenez why ... Just why !?
  • 5
    @jjimenez sounds enterprisey enough that some useless tie drone would cash out big money for that shit.
  • 3
    @jjimenez do they know the phrase "performance hit"?
  • 4
    I've met people saying they use REST API when they were doing RPC and I questioned them and said that's RPC, and they replied, "well it works". Bird brains man..
  • 3
    When you walk into such circle-jerk type of situations you basically have 2 options:

    1. Try to interfere and explain to people the error of their ways. Inevitably getting “dirty” (reads as “covered in jizz”)

    2. Slowly, without making any noise, walk backwards out of the room

    Personally like option 2 better, but to each their own...
  • 1
    @leanrob 2nd option is easier

    Thanos is not wrong
  • 1
    The other team has a point, what they wanted to do is to make an application entirely in JS and to perform web request to azure.

    The "functions" are exposed publicly, yes, your MVC controllers methods exposed publicly too.
  • 1
    Mvc without model ... You mean bad desing?
  • 2
    @nam17887 I'm not an expert on Azure, but I'm assuming by the above information that these Azure requests would require some kind of auth (though OP can correct me if I'm wrong). If so, that would mean tokens and/or other credentials would be publicly visible.

    That said, it seems they're still not following the architecture they claim to be following.
  • 1
    @NeedsMoreDivs Correct, however they are nothing different to the cookies, which MVC websites use to store your identities so they know who you are.
  • 1
  • 1
    Did you just start walking around pouring petrol on everyone and everything immediately after that conversation? ⛽️
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