Redid my portfolio site again. Feel like I could make a portfolio site of portfolio sites at this point. On the plus side, I guess I’m learning new things each time?

  • 5
    I should make a portfolio site too. Just really cba 😣 I like your choice of background color!
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    @Floydian check profile
  • 9
    It's nice. Maybe you could try a different font. And maybe grey the blacks and whites a bit.
  • 4
    Nice! Just like @-red said, perhaps try it with a different font? I'm thinking since the usual default font is pretty similar to that. Might deliver a more professional appearance :)
  • 1
    @-red Definitely agree with the font suggestion. Totally forgot to look into that, honestly. As for greying the blacks and whites, I’ve been getting into accessibility stuff lately and have been trying to stick to high contrast. It’s honestly the only reason the text is black on the landing page instead of white.
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    @irene Why not Octocat?
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    @SauceBoss I was literally just thinking about changing it to a gradient! I just ... am not great at color choices XD
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    I think the drop shadows on text look 90s and cheesy.
  • 1
    How was your experience at Lamda school Amy?
  • 1
    @markstachowski I definitely learned a lot. I’d recommend it to anyone (and do), but you definitely need to be able to roll with change since the curriculum is constantly evolving. There’s a ton of support, though. Always instructors and students (and grads) willing to drop a Zoom link to help you with something if you reach out for help.
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    - low contrast (black text is good only on white background)
    - serif fonts
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    @AmyShackles No gradients would be my suggestion.
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    @-red Killin' me, guys. :P GRADIENTS ALL UP IN THIS THING. Also, uh, changed the color. WCAG was super not okay with white text on it and I was super not okay with the way black text looked on it.
  • 2
    @AmyShackles Hey. Bug (or feature ?) report:
    If I click on the menu button twice it doesn't close on second press.
  • 3
    @-red Is it just me or is UI like playing never-ending debug?
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    @rutee07 I mean, only a newb would put their *real name* out there in the wild for anyone to see.
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    @AmyShackles It can make sense to put one's real name on a portfolio site for possible employers to google, I'm also doing that. Obviously, still with whois protection and no address.

    Btw., the flipping of the cards - did you test how that works out on touch devices with no hover?
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop I actually made the mistake of assuming that it working in Responsive mode meant it worked in general. Took forever to figure out a workaround for mobile, but it seems to have sorted itself out (unless I’ve broken it since). (I was being sarcastic about the newb comment ;))
  • 1
    @AmyShackles it's not about accessibility, just read this: https://medium.com/@erikdkennedy/... on the paragraph about overlapping text on images
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    @irene in general, I see text on images mostly for hero images. The image doesn't contribute any value and shouldn't exist at all. The worst offenders are stock photos which even damage a website's credibility.

    This hero image shit (even worse: hero videos!) are splash pages by another name, and we all know that splash pages sucked. Their problem was not their implementation, but their existence: useless shit that required user interaction to bypass.

    Even worse with these "ghost buttons" that are supposed to be CTAs, but camouflaged in favour of the useless background image. WTF.
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    @crisz But my landing page was never an image. It was just a background color. 0.o
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    @irene but HR and executives love mindless fanciness
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    I read that as “drug extraordinare”
  • 1
    @toriyuno Here’s hoping that’s not what hiring managers read ...
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    i just check you portfolio, no changes after 5 years
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    @nebagec718 That’s not entirely true, though yes, my resume is ridiculously out of date. 😂
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    @AmyShackles what pushed you to learn how to code and how you get your first dev job ? tell me i love stories
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    @nebagec718 My husband’s a software engineer and it seemed interesting. Thought we’d have more to talk about if we could talk about work, and thought it would be really nice to work in a field that wasn’t actively being replaced by robots (I was a transcriptionist before getting into software engineering).

    Got my first dev job when the founder of the bootcamp I went to promoted me on Twitter and offered to pay my first months’ wages if someone would give me a chance. 😂
  • 0
    @AmyShackles what a great and short story, the bootcamp''s founder did a good job, it is really hard to get the first job in tech nowdays the field become more competitive, i dropout from university (computer science) 3 times (i hate education) and end up unemployable, my cost of living is very cheap ($600/month is enough to cover my living costs) if i find a remote position it will be great
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