
I have a question for you guys and gals.
Why did you start coding?
For me, it was because I find the thought of making something that has never existed amazing. Truly amazing. Possibly changing the world from behind one screen is an exciting concept for me

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    I had a couple programming courses at uni and later I was invited to a dev position so I took it. As a substitute for the pathos part in your rant I just say that I enjoy programming.

    Programming is definitely not unique regarding the opportunity of changing the world from behind one screen, though.
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    It’s really the only thing I’m good at.
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    Curiosity. I always wanted to know how software is built.

    Being excited about building things that people will use came later on.
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    I did some basic python stuff, like fucking horrible code, than I learned minecraft command blocks, and my love for programming grew, because I loved that feeling when I found a solution to hack those things together.

    The reason I keep hacking is that I crave this brainfood, the endless puzzle of possibilities, that adrenaline rush when you think you found a way to do it, the roller coaster when it doesn’t, but in the end, you get that satisfaction, because you did it, after all those hours crawling through stack exchange/overflow, everything works, all that time meant something! It’s a fucking drug!
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    I saw an ad for a C compiler for my C-64, and had an idea of what programming was from reading Load* magazine, and was a diehard D&D and EPT role player, and thought to myself, wonder if I can automate character creation? Yep, I could, and I was hooked. That was in the last Century.
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    I was always into computers and gaming. Then I started wondering how games are made. And then I decided that I want to try to make my own too.

    So I taught me some basics and started making games with Python and it all snowballed from there.
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