What are the different ways by which an Android can play an audio?
I was recently doing a research on Android audio. And i wanted to know which libraries are responsible for audio/video play.

As far as i know media player and exo player are the two libraries which can be used to play user variety of audio/video files, application's raw/asset files and online stream files. Are there any other sounds beside system sounds which i forgot or other libraries which are also used for media playing?

And also what about these system files? Can we access system ringtones and notifications/ alarm tunes in a normal, non-rooted phone? I remember that my previous phone's music player (android kitkat maybe) was able to pick some system ringtones. Is it still possible now(android lollipop nd above) ?

Although i guess music in Android assets or raw files of some other app won't be accessable to my app, unless i am having screen record permissions?

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