Big fucking rant....

3 employers, 3 sets of phone and in person interviews.

Guess how many provided even a scrap of feedback why they passed and did not hire me. I always ask at the end of the interview if I can address anything left out, if they have any concerns, etc.... Everything is fine, no concerns, we'll be in touch...
Except just to say no, but not why

What the fuck? Is this this just another form of ghosting? I don't get it - they spend hours interviewing. Mother fuckers can't even give 2 minutes to write a fucking reply email with a reason?


  • 4
    Legal reasons. It opens the risk of the company getting sued, and all for absolutely no benefit for the company.
  • 0
    Constructive criticism is illegal?
    Ain't that sweet
  • 1
    @martygeek it's not that it's illegal. It's that any feedback might get you sued, and companies don't have time to deal with such shit.

    There's no rational reason to run such a risk just for the benefit of someone who won't even be an employee.
  • 0
    the sad reality is that you get absolutly swamped with applicants nowadays. Company opened search for 2 Slots. We are fairly small, the offer is online since Thursday. We got over 100 Applicants. Half of them are some sketchy Indians/Middle East People with non-verifiable work history and no german language prowess (i doubt the even read what we want)

    Of the remaining 50, 25 have next to no reading comprehension...or didnt bothered to do so.

    Shutgun application is a thing, in reaction of companies throwing out applicants for superficial reasons. So people apply superficial..a self feeding cycle.

    The interviewer probably had like 10 people that day and dont even remember you. They threw you out 5 minutes after leaving the property and dont even have a dim recall of who you where, just that you werent cutting it.
  • 0
    This happens to me every time. Everytime I get a coding test and send it to them. All I get in reply would be "You did great, but we cannot hire you." I am like dafq. If I did great why not hire me. If I did not do well at least tell me what I did wrong. So that I can improve upon it.
  • 0
    This happens to me every time. Everytime I get a coding test and send it to them. All I get in reply would be "You did great, but we cannot hire you." I am like dafq. If I did great why not hire me. If I did not do well at least tell me what I did wrong. So that I can improve upon it.
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