
So ... We have this century old , "respectable" government postal service that delivers and is the standard postal service on the country...

You buy something online and they send with it... 2 weeks...
You buy something online and they use private service... 1 day...

Yeah, fuck you too.

  • 5
    That is pretty much everywhere I'd say
  • 3
    @potata I would expect the opposite considering the volume of stuff 😂
  • 3
    @hell where I'm from - the postal office (government) has a lot of different responsibilities and they must go thru detailed checks and so on... While delivery companies (couriers in other words) - deliver anything, from letters to huge ass fridges for the same or even cheaper price and with WAY faster delivery times.

    Not to mention, here, it's pretty common to have drop-off boxes for them, which means that they take parcels at 9 AM and deliver them to other cities by the next day (the closer the city - the faster delivery).

    All in all, it's pretty good that private companies exist coz otherwise simple letter delivery would take weeks, rather than hours/days....
  • 1
    @potata yeah, too much bureaucracy sucks
  • 3
    Still good, our post service would probably lost the package somewhere.
  • 0
    @lamka02sk Oh yeah... this happens way more than I'd like to admit... :D
  • 1
    @potata nope, in the netherlands the main courier (PostNL) has to deliver every day (except sunday). Other couriers can come when they want. DHL, UPS, etc all are located 50km from my place. If its 5 o'clock and they have not yet reached my house they can turn back and try the same the next day.

    The longest this has happened for me is about 30 working days.
  • 0
    @Codex404 well, i didn't say all are like that but most are :) in Lithuania same happens with deliveries from postLT - they come at random times or even more often just put a note for you to go to their post office. While everyone else - calls you and confirms that they can deliver
  • 1
    @potata over here no one calls although I had one PostNL person whose phonenumer and adress I got so I could pick up my parcels from his place if I wasnt home and had to work until after the parcel center closed.
  • 3
    Government service is mostly the fastest in germany. I ordered the day before around 4pm. Some private needs a week, they try to deliver three times (==3 days) and on the fourth day u have to go to the post shop and pick it up. 🤦🏼‍♂️
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