
Decided to return to writing again and take yet another break from coding and decided to restart my book that I'm working on...

I swear coming up with variable names is fucking easier than working on the first chapter .-.

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    @tnuhb i would love to explain but don't think I have enough time left in my life to explain it haha
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    @tnuhb the short version I guess is about a women needing to get pregnant to continue her bloodline for reasons...

    But that doesn't even scrape the surface haha
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    @rutee07 it does contain A sex scene if that counts? -shrug
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    Does brainstorming come easier with multiple personalities?
    @Nanos ;P
    PS: I also am good at it; asking for the lols
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    @Nanos unfortunately all this is already planned out...

    The entire book is 11000000000% written in my head but I just can't out it to words for chapter 1 haha
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    Just write about what you know... unless you're completely stupid... lol.
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    ...or! Write the last chapter first! If you haven't figured out the whole plot yet, doing so might kick start the first chapter!
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    @bols59 the problem is the last chapter is the same as the first chapter haha
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    Reminds me of this
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    @lxmcf In that case my good sir, you are as good as fuck'd. lol
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    @bols59 *cries in the corner*
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    @Jilano fuck off mate ;-)
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    @lxmcf I have a corner I use to use that is in perfectly good shape. Daily maid service, full bar service, a butler who would make Jeeves look like a chav in training. All gratis, just tell me when you want to move in...
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