
God damn I love sublime merge

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    Hello fellow sublimer 🙋🏻‍♂️
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    I'm looking forward to trying it.
    Merge conflicts are the only thing I hate about git's cli
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    @Root I haven't tried merge yet, but I certainly overcame my fear for opening several branches
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    @K-ASS Oh, branches aren't scary!
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    @Root @K-ASS

    It is not really a noob friendly tool.

    Anyone with background or experience in git commands and merge conflicts can easily use Sublime Merge. And I am sure they will be happy with it.

    And I am happy that it's not noob friendly. You need to know about git to certain extent to use it properly after all.
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    Have you tried Fork app? It is a Git client with better GUI
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    @Devnergy (I refuse to know after I bought the license)
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    @Devnergy Fork is only for mac and windows :/

    @K-ASS I didn't know about this tool, thanks for sharing (:
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    @Kage I haven't searched or canvassed yet the best Git client for Linux. Usually I use Mac and sometimes windows
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    Hands down the best. The command palette is amazing and makes working with it super fast and comfortable.

    I switched to it a few days after it was announced and within a week I got rid of the other git gui clients I had.

    Super fast, lightweight, and cross-platform without using electron. Ram usage is negligible and generally has the best experience out there.
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    is this the latest update?
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