
How do you deal with information overflow? Like having to switch contexts quite often, or trying to learn a thousand things. Or remembering multiple things?

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    ADD makes me a natural at multitasking and context switching.
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    i started to read books about Webpack for 2 month !! after 2 month i still didnt get what is webpack ! so i started to try webpack and after 3 days i became master in webpack and after that i never forget even small details about webpack !!!
    just try new things and develop projects and dont scare yourself !! for each new project use a new tool
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    Beats me but I seem to manage.

    I guess when you do it enough and know the subjects well it’s just another thought process.
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    @C0D4 about languages and frameworks just getting subject is enough but about DataBase and tools its too hard to became master at them specially in database !!
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    @morteza I work from server maintenance, dba, codebases ( front/backend ) and have about 8 projects I handle on 2 different LAMP stacks + the APis that connect the two for data syncing.

    Then I have Salesforce on top of that I have to jump into.

    Being able to jump around all parts comes down to knowing the projects well and how each part interacts with another, it’s not something you learn over night.
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    Good question. Just like processes in different states maintain a queue of processes based on priorities and deadlines - you can work on only one at a time. And make a context switch between tasks only when you can pause and resume to a different one - works for me.

    I also keep my memory buffer clear off the all the unimportant stuffs like dates and appointments but hey, i have Google Todos to remind me of them from time to time.
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    @C0D4 you are right but small projects , in high scale sutiuation is different !! some times its take months only for scale database ! now we work on a website with 15 million online users ! our database is 60TB and after months we can increase the database performance only 10/ms
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