I guess im a pretty soft guy, but my boss keeps asking me to be rough with our clients because they are abusing our support service(me).

Im just not that guy..

what do?

  • 8
    Drop your pants
  • 2
    He needs to provide a series of stock responses to certain situations that are authorised and prevent you from being fired if the client complains. You need to be blameless protect your back. He can’t then use you as a scapegoat.
  • 4
    We had a soft guy for team lead. He had a few tricks I noticed.
    1. body language matters, even if you are on the phone. If you want to say no, your body language must be that of a person saying no. Lean back arms crossed.

    2.no need to raise your voice stay calm and repeat the reason slowly. Remember clients can't punch you.

    3 there is no rush to answer immediately even though the client wants you to think otherwise. You can always say "I will think about it and get back to you".
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  • 0
    Don’t change your personality. Change policy and training.
  • 1
    Become jaded and misanthropic after you realize everyone and everything is absolute crap.

    Also realize that clients will screw you over given the chance. Treat and trust them accordingly.
  • 1
    Give it time eventually clients will fill you up with their requests and deadlines, you’ll become the edgy no guy.
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