
What the fuck gitflow

I feel like I must be doing this wrong

Everybody pushes to their own branch and then the team lead approves merge requests into the master

But everybody else sucks and nobody pushes to their branch even regularly let alone into master

So basically everyone’s working on their own version of the site it’s just a big fucking mess and I’m frustrated

  • 8
    Wow that is not git flow. You need to have a develop branch with proper communication and separation of tasks to have a high chance of avoiding merge conflicts.
  • 2
    Git flow is just branch type naming conventions accompanied by a best practice of having a main (master) and pre-main (dev) branch and a prescribed merge order.

    It's common (and not wrong) for a lead person to be the only one to approve merges to the main branch. The only thing your team does *differently* is skipping the pre-main (dev) branch? Or do they like, use completely random branch names or not commit for days in a row?
  • 1
    @webketje we all just use our own branches named after ourselves, but while I commit several times a day, there’s one guy who hasn’t committed In a week, others usually every 3-4 days, and I’ve taken the job of manually merging all the work but it’s frustrating cause if they just committed and pulled from master more often I wouldn’t have to do this
  • 4
    Imagine the mess you would be in without git
  • 2
  • 2
    @filvia-sederici in that case, good diagnosis. And.. good luck ;)
  • 3
    Don’t use master branch for merges.

    Have atleast a dedicated develop or go another level and have a merge branch, where conflicts can be resolved, this way the Develop branch could be used for testing and master should be always prod-ready code.
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