
Ah the good ol days

  • 8
    I love how this read like a pro GIMP story but then it went full honest about the inoperability of it.
  • 4
    @nitwhiz I do use GIMP as I don't want to pay for or pirate Photoshop, but it is absurd how difficult some things are to accomplish with it
  • 1
    @nathanasius the world needs more people like you
  • 1
    I like GIMP.
    It fits my needs.
  • 5
    My Story:

    1. Start GIMP
    2. Try something I can easily do in PS
    3. Where is my toolbar
    4. Windows -> Try every shit
    5. This sucks
    6. Adobe 12€/month that's reasonable

    I use blender so I can get used to strange UIs and stuff, but GIMP is really bad UX Concept IMHO.

    I know btw. How todo most stuff I need in GIMP, but it's still a bad UX Concept.
  • 1
    Totes agree. I try gimp every five years or so and I still get that ugh feeling when I open it up...

    I did some stuff in it a couple of weeks ago and I had to Google how to do the most trivial shit... :/ I think it was moving my selection around or something like that. It required about 5 steps. And every post where this method was explained had people freaking out because it's so much work for something so simple :D

    This is actually my biggest gripe with most free OS/tools; no time spent on design and UX. They don't have the same resources so I don't blame them, but I'd rather pay for software if that's the case...

    Pretty happy with elementaryOS though, except for the endless internet connectivity trouble :p
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    I used to use gimp back when I was fully into Foss, but now I have enough money that I can pay for convenience
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