Okay you bastards ya got me: I fucking enjoy using Linux as my dev environment.
There, I SAID IT -


Oh the fucking love hate relationship to fucking Linux.

"Hey, ihatecomputers! How many hours per year did you spend fixing internet connectivity issues on Windows?" you ask. Well, close to fucking 0 you goddamned imbecile. But on Linux? I don't even want to talk about it.

And what about that time when I wanted to connect my bluetooth headphones so I could listen to music while studying? Well, by the time my headphones were connected to my machine (usually a one second operation) I had no time left for, you know, actual studying. Oh my god, it's the most trivial fucking thing.

Well, at least that particular issue got solved.

Unlike that fucking Ethernet connection which has been fucking out of commission since I started using fucking Linux. Wifi works just well enough to make it not worth pouring more time into troubleshooting that shit, but just barely though because my wifi IS FUCKING DOGSHIT ON LINUX


But fuck me if it isn't it the most lean thing ever! It's the goddamned opposite of bloated. So smooth and snappy. And free as in slurred speech, or whatever. It makes me happy. When I'm not seething with rage, that is.

Yeah I guess that's it, thanks for tuning in.


  • 5
    What distro? Ethernet is usually plug n play for me
  • 2
    Funny thing is that all above can be fixed with better driver support. That being said i feel you on the bluetooth problem. It's a pita for me to open pavucontrol, open a terminal, run bluetoothctl, then "connect DE:ED:BE:EF:00". When i take my bluetooth headphones out of range of my laptop
  • 1
    @ganjaman Ubuntu and elementaryOS (which is basically Ubuntu?).
  • 3
    @PerfectAsshole Yeah and figuring out all you said about pavucontrol and bluetoothctl. Time I could have spent being productive. The poor user experience I can stomach, it's having to troubleshoot and fixing that's a bummer for me.
  • 0
    @ihatecomputers bluetooth on linux is meant to be a onetime setup which it is for the most part, so i can see why nobody has made a good one click connect yet
  • 0
    @PerfectAsshole It's supposed to be that easy according to Ubuntu docs, yeah? So I'm not convinced it doesn't exist because no one has tried 😅
  • 0
    @ihatecomputers Well i didn't say it was cause nobody has tried, there's alot of bluetooth gui. Problem i have with them is that they are made with a specific use case usually and i haven't found any that just focus on connecting and let something else handle the rest
  • 2
    @ihatecomputers I guess that that's mostly I compatible hardware or manual driver installation.

    Not invalidating your problems by the way!

    I've ran 15+ computers/laptops with Linux and never had to install a single driver to get it to work, lucky me I guess?
  • 1
    @linuxxx Lucky you. I once had a USB wifi dongle for which no Linux driver exists. I had to screw around with ndiswrapper and never got it to work. I ended up buying a different wifi dongle.
  • 1
    @EmberQuill wifi dongles use one of a handful of RF chips. There is a way to override the descriptor with udev rules, but I’m blanking at the moment.
  • 1
    @Gorlami lmao, get outta here 😁

    @linuxxx Yeah, I can see that it's kind of unfair to call it a Linux issue because I get the feeling has more to do with a lack of cooperation/commitment from the companies selling the hardware... Maybe you're not having any issue because you've checked compatibility beforehand and isn't stubbornly insisting on running Linux on gaming rigs with relatively "exotic" hardware?
  • 0
    @ihatecomputers try mint. Stable as Fuck, never had any problem
  • 0
    @ihatecomputers I've literally never done a compatibility check xD
  • 0
    @ihatecomputers I stubbornly insisted on running Linux on a custom-built gaming pc and it works fine. The only problem I had was due to the fact that I happened to be using one of the very few USB wifi adapters that doesn't play nice with Linux. Everything else worked fine.
  • 1
    Da fuq. I must have terrible karma.
  • 2
    Honestly. Linux is the type of system that picks its users... Its first going to force you through hell, but at the same time it teaches you exactly how the system works and you become better for it. The second or third time you deal with a problem its a walk in the park and suddenly the system purrs like a happy kitty in hands of a skilled caretaker
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