Been working for almost a year, really hard, on a serious attempt to make GUI development on Python fun, easy, flexible, with a full array of widgets and do it in a way that complete beginners can understand and the professionals will enjoy because it's so easy. My solution is called PySimpleGUI.
My 'rant' is the downvoting and slandering happening on places like Reddit is done by people that haven't tried to use it and most haven't installed it. Yet, they're experts in how sh*tty it is.... even though nothing stated as being a problem is truthful. When asked for more direct feedback on what's wrong, how it can be improved, the active rant threads go silent.
I've never been on devRant, so I hope I'm doing the right thing here! I'm just blowing off steam, not trying to start some holy war.

  • 1
    Welcome. This is just the right place to vent! Never used python but it's still on my todo list!
  • 0
    Just post the official link to your docs man, in case someone is interested.
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