
Look I'm a huge fan of Google (fight me about it, idgaf) but like G+ was such a fucking disaster and the fact it took this long is nothing short of a miracle lol

  • 3
    Asfadssadhas gugol asdfaasdda privacy herpaderpa ksshiis

  • 1
    @AleCx04 it's really how it be these days smh
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    @Stuxnet feels man, I'm a google boy and it's essentially like painting a rant target on your head..

    Anyway google+ was flawed from the start just like a lot of what google declares the next big thing (allo, YT music, etc...)
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    I only had it because there was a time you had to make a G+ profile if you want to have a YouTube account. But disabled everything that was deactivatable
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    I'm a Google+, it had great tech communities.
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    To mutch spammer ... I make an photo group of canada Québec and i take my day to delete shit post
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    it was always a long shot.

    But if you don't try you lose by default.

    Google has money to burn.
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    Holyshit, you're right.

    Been writing edgy poetry for so long it now spews forth like taco bell from my backside.
  • 2
    I actually liked G+ more than Facebook.
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