Suffering from concentration, meaning my coffee is cold. I can’t drink cold coffee, it makes me retch. That’s the second cup today I’ve let die on me. It’s pissing me off now.

  • 1
    I set them in the machine then forget once I get distracted again with stuff and my team yell who da fuck this.
  • 5
    @helloworld what about an insulated mug for your coffee?
  • 0
    Get one of those usb warming mugs. Connect it and vuola always warm coffee!
  • 0
    I'd suggest a cold brew iced coffee, but then the ice will melt and you'll be left with the same room-temperature coffee, only diluted to boot

    @lucadev is probably right—insulated mugs look a lot better than they used to, too
  • 1
    Microwave. I use that even for coffee from yesterday.
  • 1
    Try Pommodoro technique ;) it works for me
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