  • 13
    Wait, is that Comic Sans?
  • 18
    @BrianValente if it's comic sans then <war>
  • 5
    I think the message here is a just a tiny little bit more important than the font it is written in...</war>
  • 5
    If you close the war tag then you lost the war
  • 6
    @Hultan70 Really? I personally think the topic is a tiny bit more complex than can be expressed on a hippy's protest sign.
  • 2
    Nah, it's not comic sans.. it's ugly, though
  • 2
    Ha, lame. Go be a hipster somewhere else hippy.
  • 4
    So, being anti war means that you are a hipster? Guess I am a hipster/hippy then...</war>
  • 3
    Some threats can't be stopped "politically" it's a reality in the real world.
  • 0
    Seems like he reached out with his message to at least 258 people with that.
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