This happens more often than I'd like to admit...

(repost since the other one contained sensitive information)

  • 3
    It took me while to figure out that update and upgrade did very different things and I needed to run both in a specific order.
  • 4
    @bkwilliams apt upgrade && apt update && apt upgrade && apt update just to be sure :p

    But I share that thought, I had no idea what anything did when I first started linuxing
  • 2
    Start using purge instead?
  • 0
    @electrineer It's more that I am used to npm, pip or similar package managers that have install/uninstall commands, apt does not :p
  • 0
    apt: apt update && apt upgrade
    pacman: pacman -Sy<something>
    yum: yum update
    dnf: dnf update
    pip: pip install -U $(pip freeze | cut -d '=' -f 1)

    yum/dnf makes the most sense.

    the pip one isn't elegant but you could alias it i giess
  • 0
    I alias my commands:
    paci (pacman install)
    pacr(pacman remove -flags)
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