  • 1
    Is that the full message?
  • 0
  • 0
    Maybe a test case will enlighten us as to what's going on. The error message still sucks
  • 2
    Yea... IntelliJ IDEA does that to me on a regular basis...
    trying to add one value that was read from database and another one that came in a request, using parseFloat on the value that came in the request, adding them and saving to the database... saves a string... ok, let's try to also parse the value read from database... still saves string
    ...fine, let's parse the whole additi... THIS FUNCTION REQUIRES A STRING!
    ffs, then why is it saving a string IntelliJ?! Not so IntelliJ now, huh?
  • 1
    Java is indeed a joke/meme.
  • 0
    @Root I thought js was the meem
  • 0
    @melezorus34 Those tags tho
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