What's your take on Blockchain as Solution to existing problems?

Do developers like us, have potential if we moved into Blockchain related development?

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    @irene Direct question : As a java developer if I were to move into Blockchain development. Will this help in future? Or its better to stay back.
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    @sunnyDeveloper whether Blockchain helps your career or not, you should have other options kept open.

    I see Blockchain as a niche technology that deserves more personal interest than business interests, unless you are in one of those industries which actively use them
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    How to answer questions about blockchain..

    Do you need blockchain: no
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    Blockchain is a way to accelerate the heat death of the universe for no reason by turning lots of electricity and compute time that could be used for literally anything else productive into heat and ones and zeroes. Stay away. In a few years the last of the fad will blow over and there will be some other ridiculous shit trending topic to deal with.
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    Blockchain is here to stay and is a potential game changer for many industries. Just finished this book which was really helpful in understanding its potential and some of the hurdles that developers need to address.
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