
Is MongoDB worth learning? I already use MySQL/SQLite but I was thinking of learning it. How is it any different aside from having no SQL

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    I find it is a bit easier to set up. But no sql is probably the main difference
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    learn graphQL first and after that mongo or neo4j graph database (devRant uses neo4j)

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    @heyheni graphql has no symbiotic relationship with mongo to merit mentioning it in this context.

    It works(graphql) with any db engine you throw at it. Legit curious as to know why would you recommend it like this.
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    It never hurts to know more regarding the different tyoes of dbs one can use. As a nosql db, mongo will definitely be different, but you can learn some really cool things from it :) i say give it s try, but don't plan on change or replace your relational dbses anytime soon
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    We've had this exact same question at work. We have a couple of MySQL databases...they aren't huge but they are very important for our business. We've talked about things like MongoDB but there has never been a definitive reason to switch to it since all of our applications and tools would need updated.
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    Do not think about MongoDB as *SQL replacement. It isn't. It is designed for different use cases.
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    @hitzoR What would be a good example use case that MongoDB would be preferable over eg MySQL? I'm not questioning your statement...I'm just very interested in learning when to use what.
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    Just a simple question:
    Are you making webapps and do you work with a lot of JSON? Then MongoDB is worth learning for you!
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    @shivayl the basics are really simple, but you can go much more in depth with it just like traditional SQL
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    @BobbyTables database with lots of multiply data and granulity, ever heard of data warehouse?
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    @Bubbles yeah for that kinda storage imo
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