I really don’t like when colleagues start refactoring core components in a software application just because they feel like it.

Consult the team first and get everyone’s opinion, cheers.

  • 2
    @-red This.

    What if it is such a shitfest that a dev has no choice but to refactor an interface he has to use?
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    @-red Perhaps I’m missing something but I still think that warrants consultation with a team, especially if the team is small.
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    Hah! In my internship, I found that the code base was not intended properly and had inconsistent formatting. I was really sick of it so I ran the entire thing through PHP Storm's format.bat with PSR1/PSR2 code style setting and pushed it to the branch. It was only after that I felt I should have asked my lead dev especially because many devs used Netbeans (which imo is shit) and apparently didn't have a reliable way of auto formatting (or maybe the especially should be that I'm an intern). Well, it was too late anyway coz there were already two or more pushes on top of mine so I let it be. No one's shouted at me so far.
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    @exceptionalGuy I set up a php-cs-fixer commit hook for this, pre-commit everything gets fixed and stylized :cool:
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    @oreru The problem with my team is there’s only 2 “competent” developers. You’ll have to take my word for it. Doesn’t matter if it’s in a PR, those two individuals won’t reach a middle ground because they’re so stubborn. There’s no actual team work just egos
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