
Gaming on a Mac ...

  • 4
    BS. Tons of games, all of Valve and Blizzard games are available for Mac
  • 5
    @xroad They're available if you're content with 15fps
  • 3
    It would be ideal if it weren't for that logo. You now have to worry not not mouse over it.
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    @xroad Each to their own, but just following Apple blindly are refusing to see any flaws or disadvantages is stupid.

    Gaming on Macs is really bad in comparison to Windows, the hardware isn't made for it, and most games don't run on them. Just a fact.
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    @MaccaMc you are correct in that many games are windows only. But I'm not sure what fantasy land people live in where games are only available in 15 fps. The few games you can play are a MUCH better experience on Mac than windows exactly because of the flaw you pointed out - limited hardware configurations means more optimizations by the devs.

    I custom built a PC, got the steam controller so I can play on my living room tv. Guess what, I quit after having to manually tweak every damn setting for every single game so the shit actually runs.

    The games I care to play are on Mac so I just fire them up on my 5k iMac and not give a shit about counting how many frames the games are running on and just enjoy it.
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    @xroad I also smoothly with 50-70 FPS in Rust on my 2012 low-end iMac :) I don't get the hate
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    @xroad I mean, if you got the extra money to throw away on Apple products then go ahead...
    If you're too lazy to even tweak a couple in-game settings on Windows and even save quite a few bucks, then I don't want to see what your code must look like...
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    @agentwolf44 the only money I threw away is buying a PC that I need to tweak and upgrade constantly. My code is fine, thank you. I save all that time I would have spent making my computer work and use it towards learning and improving my skills
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    @xroad I never said building a PC. I have a gaming laptop and can guarantee any Apple device at a similar price is way underpowered. The plain fact is Apple products are overpriced, so regardless of how well it works, you still paid more than you could have...
    I use my laptop for gaming, movies, development (music, code, etc.), University (Just want to say I hate Uni English with a passion), and anything else I need from a device (even emulators xD ).
    And MacBooks got trouble even performing at full speed for longer than 20 minutes...
  • 3
    Can't we all just get along? lol
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    @xinuxunil Yeah yeah, my bad. Just super stressed today from Uni. Got 1% on my English assignment... (Did I mention how much I hate English?)
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    @agentwolf44 I had to combine English with child psychology and write gobs of papers on the books I had to read. German, on the other hand was a lot of fun. I decided not to go the psychology route, and eventually ended up in IT. The news is that school eventually ends, although learning doesn't. Better luck on your English classes.
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    @agentwolf44 1% out of 100%? Ouch
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