Vr headset for working outside. Yes you will look like a douche but has anyone tried it? So sitting in sunny weather, keyboard below, can see desktop in headset. Maybe not a vr headset but something else? Thoughts? Any other 'coding in bright places' tips?

  • 3
    I'm still waiting for AR solutions :)
  • 3
    I prefer coding in dark, cold places with the light from the screen keeping my focus on the code and myopia just around the corner.

    Seriously though, programming outside? It will require tremendous focus... Imagine trying that at, say, the beach. Some nice girl (or guy, I am not one to judge) strolls by, you caught a glimpse from the corner of the VR, goodbye focus, goodbye code, enter all manner of... ehm... *private* things.

    Still sounds a nice change of pace if you could find a quiet place. And avoid the outdoors mishaps.
  • 4
    there is a linux distro for this called Safespaces

  • 2
    Coding in VR for long hours will most likely just brick your brain 😀
  • 1
    @Froot as would anything you're doing for hours in VR
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