
Your opinion about foldable phones?

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    I'm not in that crease
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    @Jilano Same opinion 👍
  • 8
    Phones have reached their peak around the samsung galaxy s8. Since then there have been only changes for the sake of change. This holds true with foldables too
  • 5
    Foldable screens seem like they'd suck and, so far, they do. Reckon it'll be years until anyone sorts out the materials tech to get them to really work well.

    If there are still foldable phones in 5 years they'll probably be good. Until then, I'd avoid.
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    They were cool
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    A poorly executed gimmick. When I think about what my phone lacks, I don't think screen size.

    They solve no issues and introduce no additional functionality. It's just an idea so stupid that it caught everyone's attention.
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    @RantSomeWhere I still use a 2013 flagship because later models have so many drawbacks that it's hard to find a reasonable upgrade
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    This no flex phone screen crack after pocket ... Useless at this point
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