i'm sorry my best wasn't good enough

  • 3
    What happened?
  • 11
    I've been working on this piece of shit training program for 2 years now. It was only ever supposed to be a demo, but features just keep getting added and added.

    Now, I'm being criticized for my work ethic because my boss only sees the superficial changes.

    I spend days making a custom test generator and I'm called lazy all the way until they see the UI I shit out for it in 10m...

    And just for context, I am the lone dev at this company.

    I am not a designer, but I still have to figure out how to work in features.
    I'm not an artist, but I still do UI and even 3d models.

    I'm a programmer... and I just wanna do math.
  • 6
    It's your boss' fault if he can't see the value of your work, not yours. Stand up for yourself, don't fall into the trap of thinking you're worthless, and show him exactly what you've done and why it's valuable.
    If he'll still refuse to acknowledge your work, it means he never will, and it's time to look for a better workplace.
  • 8
    Oh he's about to see how valuable his ONLY developer is when I leave next month.
  • 0
    Maybe start looking around for a better job?
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE it's okay to say no too sometimes
  • 1
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