> client paid 10 years in advanced for service
> 2 years later their support is trash, service is trash, competitors are cheaper, competitors offer more, ..
> sorry we can't refund you the unused money if you change service, have a nice day!

  • 14
    This why you don't make such long terms commitments lol
  • 3
    @Stuxnet just sucks that he got lured into it by their support a year or so ago when I didn't have him as my client yet. I can setup their entire offer for like 1/50th of the price he paid.
  • 2
    @JoshBent it happens man. People getting conned in this industry due to a lack of understanding isn't too surprising.

    Like the one thing that really pisses me off is the thought of those MS tech support scams getting money from elderly people that don't know any better. That really pisses me off.
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