The debugging loop for Minecraft Spigot plugins on a 4GB RAM laptop:
1. Start Eclipse - 1'
2. Edit code.
3. Build plugins - 2'
4. Close Eclipse to make RAM room for Minecraft.
5. Upload plugins to server with FTP - 1'
6. Start server and launch Minecraft - 2'
7. Enter the server.
8. Find bugs.
9. Stop the server, close Minecraft.
[Go back to 1.]

  • 5
    That’s just horrible
  • 4
    just buy another 4gb stick off of somewhere...
  • 3
    @beggarboy I would buy it immediately... if I had money for it.
  • 0
    Sounds awful. Can't run the server locally?
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0
    @Alice LOL the server eats 3GB by itself.
  • 0
    @Alice Try running a Minecraft server yourself and you will see why it needs that much of RAM.
  • 0
    I also can't believe that the server normally eats that much RAM.
    Are you sure there's no memory leak/overflow or something?
    Or a Plugin that needs a fuckton of RAM?
  • 0
    @Skayo It has to load chunks which represent the world. With the current setting of 10-chunk view distance, there must be at least 10^2.pi = 314 chunks loaded. Also there are many entities in that world.
  • 0
    True story. Just happened during last weekend...
    I was using my high end mechanic keyboard with broken cmd key on my 2 grand worth 8gb ddr3 MacBook Pro to testing Vagrant virtual box.
    I opened 3 virtual box. I thought 2*3=6<8
    But It only opened 2.
    Because each uses 2 go ram. And the integrated graphics card also take 1.5 gb ram. Plus system. It runs out of memory.
    Oh jeez...
  • 0
    Empty server consumes a tiny bit. If you are testing on a server with 10000 player cap and 100 other plugins it is going to eat your ram. Are you sure you cant test that plugin separatly?
  • 1
    how about testing the plugin on a server with new map, no other plugins, and view distance set to 6 or 7?
  • 0
    Damn, bro u can find a 4gb ram second hand on ebay or whatever similar site in your country for less than a burger price. Unless you think that your time worth less than that...?
  • 0
    @devapsarl You don't live in Vietnam.
  • 0
    @leduyquang753 im sure u spent more time for workarounds for the lack of ur 4gb ram, than required time to find another 4gb ram. Think abt it
  • 0
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