
Interview at amazon on Monday, wish me luck! Any advice? I've got 3-4 years experience, so not grad but not huge amount of experience.

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    Don't take it too seriously. Amazon might be doing wonders to the public and all, but it may not be able to offer a job you are dreaming of

    Give your 100%, feel free to ask many questions as necessary and see if you could learn something new from this experience
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    I think for me, one of the most important things I'm looking for is good dev practices. Like, I've been told not to fix bugs at my place because we have no way to test if the change is correct. We also don't have unit tests, I've been told they're not worth while...
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    work hard, have fun, make history
  • 3
    Know your Leadership Principles and have at least one example ready for each of them. I have seen so many candidates pass tech portion with flying color but get rejected for LPs.
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    Well, the process has dragged on a little bit, but today I received the official offer letter. I've got a job at amazon! 😀 Thanks for the support!
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    @wyvernzora Can you expound a bit about this or direct me to a blog?
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