There are two kinds op people. People who like to help because they feel sorry for you, and people who want to help to proof themselves.

The second one is annoying as fuck. Even though i asked for help, it doesn’t mean you are better in it then me.

You should listen to what i have to say. Stuck up anti social asshole.

  • 1
    @irene you're one of the Third kind, people who help because they were asked (I'm the same)
  • 3
    I try to help cuz I just feel is the cool thing to do man 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    I help people coz I'm secretly hoping they may help me out when I'm in deep shit.
  • 0
    I help cos I either want to, feel bad for you or just cause it’s the right thing to do at that moment. However, if you asked me for help, don’t tell me what to do like do it this way, do it that way, this is how you should do it. Now, that tells me you’re one lazy piece of person who’s trying to find someone to do your task for you. That moment on, you’re on your own. 😒
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    I help most times cuz I just like to know the solution to most problems. If I can solve it, that's one less problem I have to deal with in the future
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    @suprano I’m not telling anyone who to do their work. I’m just expecting them to listen to the complete problem and the steps i’ve tried to fix it so far. It is absolutely unrespectful. But on the other hand i feel like my opinion is not taken seriously here anyway...
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    @bad-practice I think you misunderstood me. I’m not talking about you personally. I’m talking about some people in general who asks for help then still tell you to do things this and that way.
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