Yeah Statler and Waldorf are my new role models. A code review in S&W style should be quite a killer, haha.

- I've never seen anything like this before.
- And I hope I'll never see anything like this again!

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    @irene and @rutee07 welcome to the team S&W. ^^
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    @rutee07 I'd have guessed you'd like their general attitude. ^^
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    @rutee07 Also a nice one at the end of a code review:

    - Well I guess I'll go to the dentist now. After seeing this code, nothing hurts.
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    - This code was medium.
    - Medium?
    - Yeah it wasn't rare, and it certainly wasn't well done.
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    @irene The grumpy old guys from the Muppet Show which was kinda popular in the late 70s and early 80s. Now I don't quite remember that because I'm too old, but fuck it anyway. ^^
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    @rutee07 my plan for the S&W team was rather that you and @irene do the sick and pervert sex parts with blades and shit while I use my blood pressure as pretext to play some chess games until you hopefully come both out again. ^^
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    @rutee07 @irene has survived Chernobyl AND speaks Russian, so he's hard AF. But sure, dispensable victims are always welcome since you don't test in production.

    Btw., the entry level where I'd consider that it might become interesting is if you can mate with bishop and knight. I once chatted up a girl who had chess in her interests, but her skills of mating turned out to be somewhat different. ^^
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    @rutee07 Well Congo is rather kinky than royal, but at least, there's no DCMA takdeowns. Only 7.62mm takedowns.

    It was rather the other way round, she wasn't that good at chess. But while "watch DVDs" is pretty standard, I'd never have thought that "let's play chess" would.
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