
When your work laptop decides it wants to take 45 minutes to update Monday morning...

(I'm looking at you MacOs...)

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    @irene hahah yes, good point. I guess I would be more pleased if I didn't like my job :D
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    Yeah, it constantly has updates for Safari and iTunes. I don't use either and would uninstall them if I could, but in the meantime, I just let the updates slide until something meaningful appears in the list, like system security updates.
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    @bahua I think this was one of those updates because I had no mention of any software currently installed.
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    Ugh. Yeah, I had an update last week that took me down to system update mode for 30+ minutes in the first hour of my time in the office. I had a call and could only basically verbally nod my head, because I couldn't see anything on the webex.

    Why is it that the commercial desktop OSes are so bad at updates? Both Windows and Mac require extended periods during which no user input is possible. Meanwhile, Linux wanders along and nails updates, like right away. Do all the updates while you work, and if a reboot is required, it still just comes right back up.
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    @bahua Totally agree! I wish I was able to use Linux here... We can dream :D
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    Justin Bieber-Lake
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    @Devnergy it is what it is
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    Updates are important to keep us safe from malware - you know, stuff that could render our computer unavailable.
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    @badwiring Yes, this is why I had to update lol
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