Anyone else have major issues with confidence when applying for jobs?

I've been going for mainly junior positions aggressively since the top of the year and I can't get over all the failed interviews. Feels like I'll be stuck doing computer repairs forever instead but I'm trying to stay positive though.

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    be positive. take the interviews as feedback.
    if possible consider further study, try out of city, state jobs. you will find your edge. my best wishes for your success.
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    @apsa Thanks a ton! I should at least feel great to have even had first (and sometimes second) interviews for roles that were so obviously out of my league 😅
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    You should write down all the things you couldn't answer and research and study them. Good luck with your job searching!
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    Welcome to devRant! It only takes one yes. Do not give up. Ask why you did not get the job. Constructive criticism helps. Keep going.
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    @BartBB That's a really good way of looking at things. Normally I try to just think of how I can speak better and sort of steer the conversation in a way, but your suggestion helps a lot. Ever gotten a potential employer that wouldn't respond to asking for feedback?
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    @Jumpshot44 Very true, sometimes I forget that. Thanks! Ever had a potential employer not respond when asking for feedback?
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    Sorry, never had that happen to me since I never went to a job interview. (finished college and joined the army; 19 yo right now)

    But I'm sure they won't ignore you, give it a shot.

    Best of luck, truly.

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    @Letmecode I'd give you a million +1s if I could for this, thank you! Sometimes I forget that I'm not the only one in an environment where failure is almost common. Probably because I don't have any friends who are devs ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
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    It gets better the more interviews you go to, act confident and you will feel it.

    You got this :)
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    @nblackburn Thanks a lot man, I'll keep working at it!
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