Lately, I've seen in some article against the Electron framework and read some people thought that "the Web, in general, is a waste/curse/..."
Did I miss something somewhere about that? I know Electron has that Java syndrome where it has to pack so many things in one executable while it could be less heavy than this (here, the Chromium browser for instance), but the Web in general?

  • 2
    I guess that comes from the well known paradigm of a certain kind of dev, thinking the only valid language and framework is the one they‘re using and that everyone else must therefore be a n00b.
  • 0
    Well.. web UI does look a lot better than native one. Plus it's standardized.

    And sure.. it's bloated , takes resources and so on..
    But with most people carrying machines with at least 8 gigs, it doesn't seem too big of a problem.

    For me, in an ideal world, everything is built on web UI. (Chrome OS). Too bad it isn't as functional
  • 3
    4.2ghz processors feel as fast as 500mhz processors did. 8gb ram fills just as quickly as 512mb did.

    People waste resources when there are plenty; technology is no different. And web development is the biggest culprit -- especially frontend.

    This quote sums it up best:
    "The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry is its continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering gains made by the computer hardware industry." -- Henry Petroski
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