1) bugfixing
2) bugfixing
3) bugfixing

No, seriously, I love finding & fixing bugs.. it never gets old..frustrating at times yes, but it is never boring..

  • 3
    Wish you were on our team. Currently trying to pin down the cause of a particularly nasty race hazard that happens in about one in a million executions. Certainly not enjoying it.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce haha yeah, those are nasty to trace n fix
  • 0
    Whenever the console spits an error back at me, I feel like it is challenging me. Fix an error, run into another, fix and repeat.

    Who is going to yield first: me or my my buggy code?
  • 0
    everybody will love you in most teams. I also kind of like bugfixing...
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