Quick poll for .Net people. JetBrains ReSharper is:

A. Vital for getting anything done.
B. The work of Satan. Avoid at all costs.
C. Used to be (A) but VS2015 makes it redundant.
D. I've never used it.
E. I have used it, but I have no strong opinion about it one way or the other.

(If you say E, you're far too placid to be a programmer and you should practice getting more irate about other people's software choices ;)

  • 3
    Kind of C

    But I wouldn't say the vs2015 makes it redundant as it does much more than vs does. It has its problems, mainly that it's doesn't use Roslyn and has to create a cache that it uses per solution which caused vs to be quite slow at times. I wouldn't say it's vital to do your job though ... it's useful tool.

    The biggest problem is vs still being a 32 but app causing it to crash if the process goes above 1.5gb which is pretty easy with a large solution.
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