
Just went to a bar in a nearby town and miraculously got a contact of a fairly big investor by talking to the barman there. Apparently said investor is also technically inclined, and has a fair amount of financial resources to help make my plan to make my own distribution and compete with Canonical, Red Hat and SUSE a thing.

Talk to barmen people! They're the people that have contacts - in pretty much every industry. They're the people that know people.

  • 5
    Makes sense, honestly.

    They're around all the time and meet a lot of people on the regular.

    Good luck!
  • 5
    Your distro project sounds quite interesting, got any documentation on it yet? 😅
  • 2
    @chilledfrogs So far it's still just blueprints... But I am considering to spend the next few years building it, and then when I deem it stable for distribution (which I'll be very stringent about, stability across all deployments is something I deem extremely important) that's likely when I'll start out and register my own company. This way I can separate development from actual sales (as I intend to sell this distribution to the server market where stability and ease of deployment are seriously needed).
  • 2
    I agree, the great (job) opportunities are the ones you stumble into when you never suspect them.

    I guess you'd take Debian as a foundation?
    EDIT: Because I guess you would need more people for a "from scratch" project.
  • 2
    @finiteAutomaton ideally I'd build myself, but I'd indeed need people to build the dependency model and servers to build it all into packages yeah... But if I were to go with a base distro and just add my own sauce on top of it, Debian is what I'd go with yes.
  • 2
    So I would presume the distro would remain entirely open-source and you would charge for support services for companies and institutions?
  • 2
    @Condor set up your company in a letter box in hong kong that way you don't have to pay taxes.
  • 3
    A distro.. Wow! I hope it all goes well, man!

    Is it weird that, though I don't know you, I'm proud of you? 🥺
  • 2
    @telephantasm Thanks! I really appreciate it :D
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